Friday, September 11, 2009

The Lesson of TEAM

This summer I got back into training and racing with the TEAM.
I had no idea the benefits would be so many.

In the past I have danced the line of both individual sports (swimming, triathlon, cross country running) and Team sports (outrigger canoeing).

I love the individual sports, I only have to rely on me..I can make my kayak move on my own, or swim through ocean chop on my own, talk myself up a steep hill I want to run up on my own....but with six women in a canoe...this is different.

Yes, I have to apply what I can, and do my "job" as best as possible...and just know the others are doing their best too. The underlying energy is that we are-literally-moving that canoe cannot be done with one person, it takes all six-pistons I call them- working together to get maximum speed.

Training together has also been a huge benefit, we subliminally push each other.
There is a underlying -little extra- we each give to get a little more out of each other and end result..reach a level that we most likely would not have achieved on our own.

I love the lesson of TEAM, I love the personalities of TEAM....that is EXACTLY what makes it so fun!

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