Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The 3 C's

I came up with this the other day, as I was relishing in the learning I experienced in the course I have spoke of in my last 2 posts.

The 3 C's are:

I chose to honor myself and give myself a big hug for the 3 C's.
The course I took was a COMMITMENT to myself and my goals. I took the day off from work and while there stayed committed no matter how comfortable or uncomfortable the task was, and the learning that went with it (which was all about how we really show up in life, no smoke screens here...ooof.)
The second part was to honor my COURAGE: I had to have courage to really open my heart and my mind to stick to it, and take a courageous walk through situations that in the past would have sent me packing...with a fast drive home. It is tough to admit when something scares you, and gets you so outside your comfort zone you find yourself completely befuddled....every nerve and bone in your body just quivering with anxiety.
Lastly, I DID IT! So time to CELEBRATE! I really did it! I used to never let myself celebrate because I always thought of how I could have done better...basically living with the "no matter what I do, it is never enough 'tude"...well, no more! CELEBRATING puts me at a whole different vibration...attracting more reasons to celebrate into my life!


Check out if there is place in your life where you can honor the 3 C's for yourself.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Trying it on for size

Today I had another amazing experience!

Last post I noted that I went to an experiential learning event, and had major successes in learning and fun!

BUT today I got to practice one of the lessons from Friday, and I got to see that taking a totally different tact on a way I used to do something really worked!
It was a concept that at first I did not like, I immediately thought to myself "how the heck is that going to work?"...but it was proven to be a very effective method on the day of the event, and I thought today I would "give it a go", or give it a try.

One thing I know for sure, if I stay open to different ways to do things, and then not only open my mind, but follow through with trying it differently then I had done it previously, then I always have an amazing result.

How cool?!

Applying new knowledge for the first time, and then seeing it successful, is exciting!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Oh my! I have missed writing!

And it looks like I have had an audience out there in the internet bliss, and I did not even know it! I have recieved GREAT emails, and even a card in the mail from my readers, WOW!

This past week I went to all day course that just blew my mind, and this is why. When we sit at a desk, or a lecture hall, or even our cars listening to new info, it is good, but not the same as "experiencial learning". Have you ever done that? It is the greatest thing I have ever done.

It is a series of different tasks and exercises for you to do, (not in an office, OUTISDE) and an opportunity to learn how you not only operate in the "task", but it will clearly show you how you operate in life. When I first met the instructor at the first event I did 5 months ago, she said something that stuck with me for not only minutes after she said it, but for the drive home, and days and months after...


Let me say that again, and this time, read it slowly and absorb it....


This statement for me was just profound. I reflected on how I handled, intereacted, or did not interact, my feelings and self conversation through each activity and was astounded by what was revealed...how cool! An opportunity to grow, and STRETCH myself to be honest with myself, and if necessary make adjustments. I enjoy this type of work so much as I move toward my biggest goal in life: living at my greatest potential with no holding back.

I have the utmost respect for the CEO's and other execs, sales team members and staff members who played "full out" at this event with me this past week. Their support assisted me in ways that I never thought possible, without them the experience would not have been the same.

I learned so much...I came home and wrote in my journal and reflected....I gave myself a big hug for the 3 c's
Commitment: I made a commitment to myself to take this opportunity to learn and grow and kept it
Courage: I don't care who you are, stepping out, and up to the plate to STRETCH yourself, and learn takes courage, I did that!
Celebrate: Celebrate my lessons as they are a big part of my journey and adventure called life! woo hoo!

As I continue to pull my dream company together, and my dream team staff, lessons like these just excite me!

Isn't it amazing when life takes your breath away?!

Thought to ponder:
Is there something you have done lately to stretch yourself? to put yourself into a situation where growth was inevitable?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Have you celebrated lately?

Someone recently asked me that very question....
"What have you celebrated lately?"
As I sat there with tears in my eyes reiterating my BAD day....feeling completely disheveled...I looked through my teary eyes with a blank stare, I realized I could not even answer him.

I immediately thought to myself, why would I celebrate anything right now as I could only see that my world coming down around me?...not feeling any hope in the last 48 hours was tearing me apart inside (now please remember this is the life path I chose, to be an entrepreneur & anyone else who owns their own business would understand that some days are exciting and GREAT! Other days, you wonder "HOW can I go on?")

I really pondered an answer to this simple question....celebrate?
It wasn't until he explained to me WHY celebration of the littlest thing made a difference. He said, "when you celebrate you are sending a celebratory vibration to the universe, and therefore you will resonate a positive vibration...and like attracts like, so if you are positive, more positive stuff will come, you are now in the position to manifest your desires."

This immediately made it very clear what I had been doing...looking at something that was successful, but only able to see the dark cloud above it....this would lead to reasons why celebrating seemed futile.
For example, I have almost paid off this loan I have with only 5 payments left, I have had this loan for 6 years. ONLY 5 left! I should be celebrating! BUT Because I had a very tough few months, and missed 2 payments, I couldn't see any reason to celebrate. In the grand scheme of things, only having 5 left, making it this far and being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this loan, is worth CELEBRATING!

So with this fresh perspective I have decided to really try it on for size, so for the last 3 days, I have completely let myself celebrate! Wow! It sure does feel good! I find myself looking for the positive things, and am naturally attracting positive things too...who'd a thought that such a simple concept could be fun, exciting and turned into a daily adventure?

WOO! HOO! I wrote on my blog today!
Woo Hoo! I taught a GREAT class today!
Woo Hoo! I cooked a delicious dinner tonight for my friends!

Try this out!
What you got to Woo Hoo! about?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Writer's slump

For someone who has the gift of gab, and sometimes too much to say, LOL, I find that I actually have had a "writer's slump".

Imagine, waking up in the middle of the night, and wandering, what am I going to write about? or mindlessly chewing on a bagel with cream cheese and cup of joe first thing in the morning, and stilll wondering what am I gonna write about?

Then it hit me, I always write my best, and from my heart and my true experiences when I don't think about it.

I had read a few things online about how to blog, and become an "expert"...but truthfully all the pressure of the "how to's" actually stumped my creativity (mind you, I let it) I see now that when I get good info, as it is all good, I can discern what is good for me, and leave the rest.

I write because in all reality, I do enjoy it.
Some days my thoughts, questions and life ponderings are thought provoking, other days, not-so-much...it is just me, sharing my ups, and downs, epiphanies, fun times and some of the tougher ones too (those are hardest to share about, because there is no smoke screen or fascade to hide behind.)

Today is a day of feeling a little "gray", not lots of vibrant colors or strategies are coming up for me today....although, there is this feeling...this feeling that is resonating down inside of me that I know something BIG is happening! And this feels good, and is keeping me moving today--even if at a turtle pace.
I am not quite sure where this feeling is coming from, but I am going with it!

If you got a deep down feeling that is good, hang onto it, and enjoy it!