Friday, May 29, 2009

The underdog in me

I finally can put my finger on it, why I am rooting for Susan Boyle.

I am not one much to follow internet fodder, but this story is one of true amazement. Personally I study "high achievers" and how they got to where they are and the mindset they possess...don't we all want to know their secret?

But Miss Susan Boyle has something I can relate to, an underdog story.
A girl, then turned into woman in her late 40's still with her dream of singing in front of a large audience, lives her dream and then she captures the world with her voice, ever surpassing her dream.

She is an underdog because she comes from humble beginnings.
She sheds light on dreams that people have given up on.
She sheds light into an industry loaded with "skinny mini teenie's" focused on exterior beauty.
She unknowingly has brought grace to the stage and to the forefront of the world.
She is sprite with character.
She is living her dream no matter what, and her age obviously did not kill her dream either!

It would seem hopeless, how would she get to live her dream? From her little village in Scotland, no major music industry just how?

Somehow she kept her dream alive, and is now living it. That is the essence of life, the journey and the hope she brings.

If you take a moment and watch the clip of her walking off the stage after her very first time singing for the judges, she waved at the crowd with a smile and elegance that genuinely reflect that she was fulfilled and living her dream with a standing ovation!
That kind of moment is something we all have hidden in our hearts, and there she was living it.

At this moment I love the internet and that it has "shrunk" our world enough so that I can view this priceless gift of watching someone else across the globe have and then view enough guts to have a dream, and then view her living it.

Go Susan Boyle, Go!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Being schooled by the Best!

"If you want to be an Olympian, then hang out with the Olympians"
Little mantras like this one hold so much truth.

No matter what you want to achieve in life, someone has already done it. (This is a principle of Jack Canfield's Success Principles)
The point is simple, go to the experts and ask. Ask those who have done it, hang around them, learn their habits, and self conversation, and lessons they learned along the way.

If you want to be an Olympian then it wouldn't make sense to hang out on street corners idling your time away..or around other athletes that were not successful. NO!
Hanging with other successful driven athletes and the right coaches is where you would go. This takes guts! It might be uncomfortable, and you may not get the "approval" of your current friends and family. You have to literally find and put yourself right in the middle of those who are currently or have achieved a high level of success.

Your goals have to be big and audacious...the kind of goals that scare you!
I was just at the greatest event ever, and I loved it when Bob Proctor made it so clear that you cannot achieve anything without BIG AUDACIOUS GOALS...goals that are then backed up with a strategy! Oh, how I loved being schooled by him...he is the best and most forward thought leader of our time. wow!

Find the best people you can to be schooled by, get around them, be open, let go of the fight, and start strategizing to move towards your big audacious goals! yay!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I have done this many times before, when something isn't working, just say: NEXT!

It is a small discipline that helps you recognize when it is time to "move on" or as I like to say, "move forward". I used to have difficulty leaving things behind and shifting gears...but then I got to reflect once again on some of my sports psychology...if you don't get it quite right, try it again, keep moving forward. Failure is actually good, it is a measure of where you are, and that an adjustment needs to be made. This is a great place to implement, NEXT.

Sometimes we LET failure scare us, and bring us down, when in reality, it is the best thing to happen! Have you also heard the phrase "if you are comfortable, with no risk, then you are not trying hard enough"? I believe this to be true! Getting uncomfortable means change is around the corner. NEXT...keep moving forward.

So today look at just one situation in your life that might not be working, and say NEXT! that will open the door for something new to walk in!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Looking for POLKAS

POLKA DOTS! Beautiful 70's dots!

Suit featured in Triathlete magazine is now posted on the website:

If any problems with the site store, or have any questions:

Have a GREAT day!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

TRIATHLETE magazine Swimsuit edition JUNE 2009

One of our Sportkini styles has made the Swimsuit edition of Triathlete Magazine June 2009 out on news stands now!

AWESOME photo!
GREAT looking model and swimsuit!

That is how an athletic swimsuit in my opinion should look!
Mission accomplished!

If you are in Southern California suits can be found at:
Keli's Outrigger on PCH in Dana Pt. or showroom in Irvine

The future is up to us....entrepreneurs


This is a quote I heard today, and I just thought it was sooooo cool!

For those of you who own your own company understand the drive and passion that it takes, the CHOICES you make on a daily basis (no hair & nails being done for us just getting off of the ground! no just yet!)
We generally "suck-it-up", and do what has to be done to continue to move forward with the dream, and passion that resonates inside, EVEN WHEN THINGS LOOK BLEEK.

This is the challenge of being an entrepreneur, and I wouldn't have it any other way. For me it is a freedom, a freedom that I don't really know how to describe. It involves a lot of creativity, and outside-of-box thinking.

This is a GREAT year, I can feel it already, and thanks to all of you who have been my cheerleaders! Here goes!