Thursday, July 23, 2009

in the canoe

Have you ever paddled an outrigger canoe?

For those who are reading this...and have is totally cool!

Last night at practice we had one of those practices where everything just really clicked...the water was stunning, the temperature of the water is finally pleasant and not frigid, and it was just before sunset on a summer's eve.

Moments like that really make me appreciate nature and her surroundings, and it is also the enjoy it.

For me when I am in the canoe, I am in that place of finding the balance between being a teammate, a team player (there are 6 seats in the canoe) with all 6 persons sitting in their seats and me doing my part...We were all working it together...and we flew...what fun!
I also recognize the individual part, each person brings their best, making all six on the same page, and then the effort becomes effortless.

I have learned that what I bring to a team does matter.

So this instance of athletics always seems to line up with what is also correct for other life situations. I must be present, participate, do my best, follow thru, and last but not least....bring a good attitude.

Once again athletic ladies, the foundation of good sportsmanship and integrity blend into life lessons.

I love being an cool to apply these very important lessons everywhere!

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