Monday, February 9, 2009

Living On Purpose

Just recently I have come across this sentence:
"There is a place you are to fill that no one else can fill; something you are to do, which no one else can do." quoted from Florence Scovel Shinn's book "Life is a Game, and This is How You Play It".

So that sentence right there says we all have a gift, and it is a gift that we are supposed to honor and express....question is: how do you find it? It took me a long time to learn my gift....but that truly required some work, some soul searching and a few simple prayers that my true gift be shown to me. My prayer was answered over and over and over again...and funny thing...sometimes I still didn't see it. (yea, sometimes subtle doesn't work for me...a mere "brick to the head" does).

BUT when I did get to see my purpose, it truly felt good and it was the best AH-Ha moment of my life!

I could now be 100% comfortable in my own skin!
I could now live with PURPOSE, and know I was right ON MY PURPOSE!

I enjoy spiritual searching, knowing there is a bigger is not just paying rent, running from work to errands to workouts.... to coordinating social events etc. There is sooo much more!

Have you asked yourself lately, what is my purpose? Better yet, put it out there to the Universe, the Source or if you call him your God, and ask, what is my Purpose? I bet you'll get an answer....and be pleasantly suprised!

Quick short story, my friend knows her purpose is "healing" through her work of physical therapy, she helps others heal, and she is good at it. She is attentive nurturing and amazing. She said to me that she knew her purpose, but that others might have the same purpose, and actually that may be true, but her delivery of her healing is her gift and what makes her unique. No one does it quite like she does, and that allows her to own her gift of healing which is done her very special way.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I looooved Living on Purpose! What a great quote. I want to write it down and post it somewhere in my apt. You continue to come up with such inspiring & conforting messages to blog about. Way to go Steph!!!
Your friend,