Friday, February 20, 2009

February Fitness Challenge

I met my friend at the pool yesterday...she is amazing!
She has taken on for the second year in a row the February Fitness Challenge (in other words swimming as many yards (miles) as you can for the 28 days of February. A national fitness challenge.

She broke her age group record last year, and this year, as of yesterday, has already surpassed her last year's yards/miles for the first 19 days of this month. All I can think of is that it was the 19th of the month with 9 days to go AND she already surpassed her last year's impressive month long swim!

Okay so the details are that she is at 427,000 yards which translates to 242.6 miles of swimming! In only 19 days! I am sooooo floored by her dedication (spending a minimum of 6 hours in the pool a day) and her motivation to just keep going!

I swam in the lane with her (she is sponsored by my company and she was sporting the "billboard" butt suit) and it was great motivation to just go to the pool and support my friend with a very big audacious goal-300 miles this month! WHEW!

My mere 3150 was what I squeaked out yesterday, and I looked over to watch Lynn just keep going and going and going. WOW! (the energizer bunny)

Wonder how many yards today?!

p.s. she did clock me with her paddles, and my hand is soooo bruised that I can't swim today...ouch! BUT truthfully, a minor casualty in the large perspective of her goal! Go Lynn!

1 comment:

Lynn K said...

Sorry about that again...