Monday, February 16, 2009

Contagious Energy

Have you ever taken an exercise class and the instructor had a lack-luster energy about them?

Everything from body language, choice of music (if the class has music), tone of voice, and energy either can turn you off, or generate an infectious, and contagious sense of energy, and it is POWERFUL!

I do teach, and I do take the opportunity and relish in the choice to be a GREAT instructor. Since I don't like mediocrity, I take pleasure in finding ways to be contagious. Mind you, there is a lot of trial and error here, sometimes my "tactics" work, and sometimes they fail. Oh well, that means I get to try it different next time.

Today was one of those days when my class had great energy, and we fed off of each other, which made for a GREAT ride with all out effort! In my little world of teaching, this is GREAT success, to see my students smiling with the sense of accomplishment that they did it. They did the class the best they could for today, and it feels GOOD.

Take note today: how is your energy? regardless if it is low or high, it is contagious, so turn it on, and watch everything around for the day respond to your good energy.

Have a GREAT day!

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