Saturday, March 14, 2009


Oh my! I have missed writing!

And it looks like I have had an audience out there in the internet bliss, and I did not even know it! I have recieved GREAT emails, and even a card in the mail from my readers, WOW!

This past week I went to all day course that just blew my mind, and this is why. When we sit at a desk, or a lecture hall, or even our cars listening to new info, it is good, but not the same as "experiencial learning". Have you ever done that? It is the greatest thing I have ever done.

It is a series of different tasks and exercises for you to do, (not in an office, OUTISDE) and an opportunity to learn how you not only operate in the "task", but it will clearly show you how you operate in life. When I first met the instructor at the first event I did 5 months ago, she said something that stuck with me for not only minutes after she said it, but for the drive home, and days and months after...


Let me say that again, and this time, read it slowly and absorb it....


This statement for me was just profound. I reflected on how I handled, intereacted, or did not interact, my feelings and self conversation through each activity and was astounded by what was cool! An opportunity to grow, and STRETCH myself to be honest with myself, and if necessary make adjustments. I enjoy this type of work so much as I move toward my biggest goal in life: living at my greatest potential with no holding back.

I have the utmost respect for the CEO's and other execs, sales team members and staff members who played "full out" at this event with me this past week. Their support assisted me in ways that I never thought possible, without them the experience would not have been the same.

I learned so much...I came home and wrote in my journal and reflected....I gave myself a big hug for the 3 c's
Commitment: I made a commitment to myself to take this opportunity to learn and grow and kept it
Courage: I don't care who you are, stepping out, and up to the plate to STRETCH yourself, and learn takes courage, I did that!
Celebrate: Celebrate my lessons as they are a big part of my journey and adventure called life! woo hoo!

As I continue to pull my dream company together, and my dream team staff, lessons like these just excite me!

Isn't it amazing when life takes your breath away?!

Thought to ponder:
Is there something you have done lately to stretch yourself? to put yourself into a situation where growth was inevitable?

1 comment:

Eric Parrott said...

As someone else who was on that course with you, I have to say, watching you grow and challenge yourself with a group of people you didn't even know at the beginning of the day was a treasure to experience.

I have NO doubt your company will thrive, with vision and passion like you have.

Eric Parrott