Sunday, March 8, 2009

Have you celebrated lately?

Someone recently asked me that very question....
"What have you celebrated lately?"
As I sat there with tears in my eyes reiterating my BAD day....feeling completely disheveled...I looked through my teary eyes with a blank stare, I realized I could not even answer him.

I immediately thought to myself, why would I celebrate anything right now as I could only see that my world coming down around me?...not feeling any hope in the last 48 hours was tearing me apart inside (now please remember this is the life path I chose, to be an entrepreneur & anyone else who owns their own business would understand that some days are exciting and GREAT! Other days, you wonder "HOW can I go on?")

I really pondered an answer to this simple question....celebrate?
It wasn't until he explained to me WHY celebration of the littlest thing made a difference. He said, "when you celebrate you are sending a celebratory vibration to the universe, and therefore you will resonate a positive vibration...and like attracts like, so if you are positive, more positive stuff will come, you are now in the position to manifest your desires."

This immediately made it very clear what I had been doing...looking at something that was successful, but only able to see the dark cloud above it....this would lead to reasons why celebrating seemed futile.
For example, I have almost paid off this loan I have with only 5 payments left, I have had this loan for 6 years. ONLY 5 left! I should be celebrating! BUT Because I had a very tough few months, and missed 2 payments, I couldn't see any reason to celebrate. In the grand scheme of things, only having 5 left, making it this far and being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel on this loan, is worth CELEBRATING!

So with this fresh perspective I have decided to really try it on for size, so for the last 3 days, I have completely let myself celebrate! Wow! It sure does feel good! I find myself looking for the positive things, and am naturally attracting positive things too...who'd a thought that such a simple concept could be fun, exciting and turned into a daily adventure?

WOO! HOO! I wrote on my blog today!
Woo Hoo! I taught a GREAT class today!
Woo Hoo! I cooked a delicious dinner tonight for my friends!

Try this out!
What you got to Woo Hoo! about?

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