Thursday, November 6, 2008

G.O.Y.A. (get off your ass)

The subliminal message that seems current in my life right now is G.O.Y.A. (Get Off Your Ass!)

Ya ya ya ya....economic times are tough, but what does that really mean...START THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX, and not succumb to everyone's neurosis about it. I have learned to delete/delete/delete and not get caught up in it.

I make an honest effort to do what propels me forward and keep me from being stuck. I must admit, there are times when this is a challenge, but when you set GOYA into action, it never fails that good things happen, and momentum starts to build....again, propelling you forward.

Today I am inspired by other "GOYA" peeps. Women and Men who are courageous, through good times and rough times, staying positive and even when all signs seems to say NO, do it anyway.

I believe this is a foundation of success in athletics as well. It is taught by good coaches, that you don't ever give up! You finish through and through with your best efforts...we would never have fabulous comebacks from the "underdogs" of competition if we just gave up. And just imagine, this skill learned in athletics, is completely applicable to life....never give up, even when the chips are down.

I have a cool saying on my wall near my reads

Never let the odds
keep you from doing
what you know in your heart
you were meant to do

This statement speaks so clearly, and the ultimate question is:
Why can't that someone be me? I am the one who can do it! I am the one!

And it is with that simple thought I leave you with today.

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